Leadership Characteristics
At Aranda Primary School training in leadership begins in the classroom and develops as students progress through the school. It involves formal leadership programs and practical leadership experiences that aim at creating an environment that fosters growth and inclusivity. The approach recognises that students can be leaders across many different areas, and that leadership skills learned in primary school can lay the foundations for future leadership opportunities.
The following represents the programs on leadership and the leadership experiences implemented at Aranda Primary. These are regularly reviewed and added to.
Leadership Programs
- Civics and Citizenship
- Sports Leaders
- Inquiry-Based Curriculum Units
- Public Speaking: e.g. Rostrum
- G-Force Green Team
Leadership Experiences
- Student Council (SRC)
- House Leaders and Vice Leaders
- Class Meetings
- Buddy Classes
- Preschool Liaison Program
- Class monitors
- Leading whole school assembly
- Presenting or performing at assemblies and official functions
- Meeting and guiding visitors around the school
- Introducing and thanking visitors
- Cranleigh Partnership
Community School Service
- Canteen
- Library
- Sports Equipment Monitors
- Coaching Program (IT, reading etc)
- Leading junior assembly